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Season 5, Episode 5, "My life is nothing like that."
The TalkWrite Show will be live in one hour!
It's Hot Tropix night, so you never know which Tropical Authors will show up.
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TalkWrite S5E4 "I got my 'free' T-shirt. It's not that free, because you pay $80 for the drinks."
Caribbean Adventure Series
TalkWrite S5E3: "She’d wake me up, and she'd have to read the section over again."
The TalkWrite Show is live in ten minutes.
Our guests are Dawn McKenna's co-author, Axel Blackwell and her daugher Kat and cousin Debbit. We've got some really cool announcements coming.

"Androids are easier to work on when they're that big." S5E2
"If they do arrive, and we go to jail, we'll make a million dollars telling that story." S5E1